This is where you can use our solution
Explore the impact of DuraMon solutions across different reinforced concrete structures. Our case studies illustrate how advanced monitoring and predictive maintenance can lead to smarter repairs, enhanced safety, and extended lifespan for bridges, parking structures, and tunnels. See DuraMon in action, where innovative technology meets concrete results.
Predictive maintenance
Many reinforced concrete structures show elevated chloride concentrations or carbonation. But does this always mean the structure needs repair? In many cases, repair may be avoided or postponed. DuraMon’s monitoring technology allows prioritizing repair, reducing costs and minimizing the negative impacts of repair works such as downtimes or noise.
Repair effectiveness
Concrete structures at risk for steel corrosion are often repaired by removal and replacement of chloride-contaminated or carbonated concrete, possibly in combination with a concrete surface treatment. But are these repairs always effective? What if they degrade themselves? The effectiveness of repair works can be assessed in-situ by means of our monitoring technology.
Durability of new construction materials
Construction materials are increasingly required to have low environmental impact. But how do they perform in actual service environments? Can we be sure that they are durable? DuraMon’s monitoring technology allows gaining fast experience about the performance of new cements, concretes, etc. in real exposure environments. Such knowledge is essential to ensure sustainability.
Showcasing DuraMon's Impact
Explore our case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of DuraMon's technology in enhancing structural integrity across bridges, tunnels, and parking structures. See how our solutions are applied in diverse environments, delivering crucial insights for maintenance and safety
parking structures

Bridge in Caibarién
Their problem - The unknown
- How fast is corrosion progressing through the concrete when using a new environmentally friendly cement?
- Under what conditions (pH, chloride, moisture) does corrosion take place when using a new environmentally friendly cement?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Monitor the corrosion resistance of new environmentally friendly cement under actual service conditions
- Determine the conditions that lead to corrosion initiation when using a new environmentally friendly cement under actual service conditions
- Increase confidence in (more sustainable) building materials
UNF Lagerhaus Basel
Their problem - The unknown
- How does the condition of repaired areas evolve over time?
- Can a layer of ultra-high-performance concrete efficiently prevent ingress of aggressive agents into the underlying concrete? For how long?
- How is the structure’s condition in areas where visual inspection cannot provide relevant insights (i.e., due to the presence of coatings or similar)?
- How is the structure’s condition in areas where NDT cannot be applied?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Asses the corrosion condition of areas of difficult access within the structure
- Asses the corrosion condition in areas where NDT or visual inspection cannot provide relevant data (e.g., due to the presence of coatings)
- Obtain continuous information on the structure’s condition between different inspections (typically ≥ 5 years within inspections)
- Increase safety
- Optimized (future) repair planning and repair costs
- Reduced downtimes, loss of productivity & traffic jams

Their problem - The unknown
- What is the choride and moisture distribution within the tunnel? How does it evolve over time?
- Where, when, and why will corrosion start?
- How does the structure’s condition evolve after the application of a coating?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Asses the corrosion condition of areas of difficult access within the tunnel
- Determine the distribution of aggressive agents within the tunnel
- Identify areas with the highest risk of corrosion initiation
- Asses how the structure’s condition changes after the application of a coating
- Increase safety
- Optimized (future) repair planning and repair costs
- Reduced downtimes, loss of productivity & traffic jams

Their problem - The unknown
- What is the corrosion condition in different areas within the bridge?
- What is the cause of corrosion ?
- How does the condition of repaired areas evolve over time?
- When is the right time to apply the next repair measures?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Asses the corrosion condition of areas of difficult access within the bridge
- Obtain continuous information on the structure’s condition between different inspections (typically ≥ 5 years within inspections)
- Determine the cause of (future) corrosion
- Determine the (future) repair needs (type, time) in repaired and unrepaired areas
- Reduce downtimes and optimize repair costs safely

Parking garage P5 Saas-Fee
Their problem - The unknown
- What is the surface treatment’s efficiency in keeping corrosion activity low? How does it vary in different areas within the structure?
- When is the right time to apply the next repair measures?
- Can the surface treatment be used as an efficient repair method in more areas within the structure?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Non-destructively and continuously control the performance of a surface treatment as a repair method
- Determine right time for renewal of coatings & surface treatments
- Gain understading on where surface coatings can be efficiently applied instead of traditional concrete removal (less invasive, lower costs)
- Reduce downtimes and optimize repair costs safely

Bridge in Hamburg
Their problem - The unknown
- Reliable data for the creation of the structure’s digital twin is missing
- What is the corrosion condition in different areas within the structure?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Obtain reliable corrosion diagnosis in different areas within the structures
- Increase safety and optimize (future) repair costs

Parking garage Brig
Their problem - The unknown
- For how long are cathodic protection measures efficient in keeping corrosion activity low? How does it vary in different areas within the structure?
- How corrosive is the concrete environment?
- What is the probability of corrosion initiation if cathodic protection measures (unconsciously) ceased?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Asses of the probability of corrosion initiation if cathodic protection measures ceased
- Get insights on the performance of applied cathodic protection
- Determine of the distribution of aggressive agents that lead to corrosion over the concrete cover

Parking garage Brückenweg
Their problem - The unknown
- In repaired areas: What is the surface treatment’s efficiency in keeping corrosion activity low? How does it vary in different areas within the structure?
- In repaired areas: When is the right time to apply the next repair measures?
- In unrepaired areas: What repairs measures should be applied? When is the right time for that?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Non-destructively and continuously control the performance of a surface treatment as a repair method
- Determine right time for renewal of coatings & surface treatments
- Reduce downtimes and optimize repair costs safely
- Determine the cause of (future) corrosion in unrepaired areas
- Determine the (future) repair needs (type, time) in unrepaired areas

Parking garage Bahnhofgebäude
Their problem - The unknown
- What is the surface treatment’s efficiency in keeping corrosion activity low?
- How does it vary in different areas within the structure?
- When is the right time to apply the next repair measures?
Benefits when using DuraMon's solution
- Non-destructively and continuously control the performance of a surface treatment as a repair method
- Determine right time for renewal of coatings & surface treatments
- Increase confidence in (more sustainable) repair methods
- Reduce downtimes and optimize repair costs safely